The Difference Between Average And Outstanding

The difference between average and outstandingThere’s only one difference between the average student and the kid who spends longer than anyone else up on stage at Prize Giving.

One hour a day.

The difference between getting straight A’s and getting B’s and C’s – one hour a day.The difference between excelling at a sport (getting to a level where your child gets a huge amount of enjoyment and satisfaction out of it) and never improving enough to become outstanding – one hour a day.The difference between your child getting a scholarship that pays for all of their university fees and just missing out meaning they’ll end up with a $80,000+ student loan – one hour a day.

The difference between outstanding and average – one hour a day.

On a daily basis, one hour is nothing. Thousands of hours every day are squandered by children engaged in what can only be described as pointless activities.Time-wasting tools such as computer games, texting, TV, and the latest and most time-consuming activity – Facebook.Answer me this – does your child have one hour spare each day (Monday-Friday) that could be dedicated to one particular activity? Actually no – better question – is it possible for their schedule to be rearranged so that one hour of each school day is dedicated to one particular activity?No? It’s not possible? Ok – what does your child do in the morning before school?Every morning from 7-8am I did an hour’s music practice from the age of 7 – 18. Just an hour a day got me to grade 8 piano.


What do they do before dinner? Watch TV? Muck around?Surely you agree it’s worthwhile for your child to turn off the technology for just one hour a day to pursue an actually fulfilling, satisfying and gratifying long-term achievement?

An hour a day. That’s all it is. The difference between outstanding and average.

We know they’re busy. Everyone’s busy. We’re all trying to do a million things at once and still remain sane, but really - an hour a day isn’t a lot to ask.Start as early as you can – the younger your child starts the quicker this new routine will become habit.In the long run, there will be no end to the amount they’ll thank you.


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