Is Your Teen Using Their Learning Style To Study Yet?

Learning Styles prompt excellent studyYour teen needs to know what their learning style is.


In a nutshell, the more your teen can discover about their own learning style, the more success they will have with studying, and the more success they will have at school!We all learn best in our own unique way. Knowing how they learn best will help your teen tailor the way they study to suit their strengths.We use a system that broadly divides learning types into 4 categories - Visual, Auditory, Read & Write, and Kinaesthetic.Once your teen knows which one of these categories they most fit into, we have some ideas that they can apply every time they sit down to study. It will help improve the study they do, and possibly even make it more enjoyable.

So what can you do?

We suggest you start by showing your teen our Learning Styles Quiz.It's short - only 18 multi-choice questions. Honest answers to these questions will tell your teen what their predominant learning style is, and what they can do while they study to increase how much they learn.

Go take the Learning Styles Quiz now.

What if your teen already knows their learning style?

Well that's great!But are they actually using it to study more effectively?You and your teen might want to have a quick brush up on all of the tips we have for their predominant style. You never know what you might pick up the second time round!Tips for Visual LearnersTips for Auditory LearnersTips for Read & Write LearnersTips for Kinaesthetic Learners

Final Disclaimer

While we break learning styles into 4 main categories, this isn't to say that your teen won't benefit from the other styles as well. They may very well learn best with tips from 2 or 3 learning styles.
 As we continue to argue - studying is an art. It's something your teen will constantly improve on with time, and knowing their learning style will accelerate this process significantly.

Image Credit: Morguefile


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