Timetable Magic - The Simple Tip To Rule Them All

Time is precious! Don't Let It Go To WasteExams in New Zealand are about 3 weeks away, so we’re now well and truly in the countdown stages.[Clare] A few days ago, while tutoring one of my regular students, something struck me…He simply isn’t doing enough to pass.Because spending an hour a week with a tutor isn’t study!Yet, despite my complete honesty about the fact that he isn’t doing enough (or actually any, for that matter) work outside of our lessons, he still hasn’t got the message.And if he keeps this up (with his math exam only three weeks away), the likelihood of him even passing his exam is dubious.This student has got himself into a very sticky situation indeed, and one that could have SO EASILY been avoided.

Sound even remotely familiar?

Your teen may not be on the cusp of failing their exams, but perhaps they’re not filling their academic cup right now?Either way, we have the solution!To keep on top of their school work load and not put off studying until it’s too late, your teen needs to make a weekly study timetable.

Why Should Your Teen Bother?

It’s no secret that this wonderfully simple little tip can transform lives.Well...it can transform grades at least!There’s something incredibly powerful about setting aside study time advance. When it’s written down there is much less chance for excuses.When they come home from school and know that 4-6pm is study time, they’ll be a million times more likely to actually do some study than if they decide when to study in the moment. [We haven’t done the study, but please feel free to quote that statistic!!]The timetable acts like a judgmental old person standing in the corner to whom your teen feels guilty if they don’t stick to their end of the bargain.If the student of mine had made a timetable even a month or two ago, his situation would be entirely different.

How Does It Work?

You can help your teen with this!All you need to do is draw up a 7-day timetable. By hand or on the computer – it doesn’t matter.1. Fill out when they’re at school. Fill in all their extra-curricular activities, dinner times, and whatever else your family has going on.2. Decide what time(s) every weekday your teen is going to designate specifically to doing homework and studying.

How Much Study?

The amount your teen needs to do each week depends on them – how old they are, how they’re going in school so far this year, and what grades they want to get.But we’d recommend at least at hour a night for any student at high school.

What should you do now?

Give the timetable thing a go.You won’t regret it!It will only take you and your teen 5 minutes to make, yet it could be the most effective study tool you’ve ever come across.From years of personal experience, we suggest you stick the timetable up in a number of different places throughout your house.This way the whole family can keep your teen accountable (and also so younger siblings know to not disturb!).

Image Credit: Dreamstime


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