3 Ways To Make Studying Fun For Your Teen

Can studying really be fun?Well, studying is bit like losing weight and earning money...

Everyone wants a short cut.

Unfortunately — and you’ll know if you’ve tried to lose weight or earn money 'easily' — there isn’t one.Sure, there are things your teen can do to increase the efficiency of their study, but there’s no silver bullet.I’ve found the truth in a number of my Dad’s favourite clichés:          No pain, no gain.          Work hard, play hard.          You reap what you sow.
 I’m sorry to break the news to your teen, but they’re all true. At the risk of sounding like Ms Trunchbull, playing Playstation all afternoon or reading the latest school goss on Facebook is not conducive with getting good grades.However, this does not mean that studying has to be boring!

Here’s 3 really easy ways to make studying more enjoyable (and more effective):

  1. If you’re not in the habit of doing it already, make time after school – during dinner perhaps – to have a chat with your teen about what they’re learning at school.The key to this is for it to be as informal as possible.It’s not about you nagging or checking up on them to see if they’re actually paying attention in class. It’s about you taking an interest in what your teen’s learning.Try and help them realize the real-world relevance of what they’re learning and why it’s interesting through informal banter. They’ll never be interested in what they’re learning if you’re not.
  2. Educational videos. If there’s one thing that I’m insanely jealous of, it’s the fact that your teen is at high school during the internet age.
     The internet was in its infancy (as far as schools were concerned) when I was at high school. No cool videos to watch, no Wikipedia, no interactive exercises or games. No mathletics.If your teen associates studying with dusty old textbooks, no wonder they don’t do it often! Please sit down and browse the internet together. Start at Google and go nuts.
  3. Get your teen to quiz you!
     You may end up horrified at how big some gaps in your general knowledge are (hopefully not!), but this is a great way for your teen to test what they’re learning with you.In the car on the way to school, around the dinner table, whatever. If your teen feels like they can get one up on you about something they’re learning about, this will boost their confidence and give them a huge dose of encouragement.

These are only three very simple ways you can get your teen more interested about learning.I’m sure you can think of more that specifically suit you and your teen. And really, there’s an infinite number of ways you can encourage learning and studying in your household without resorting to the tactics of the Trunchbull.ClareP.S. If you have any comments about this article, maybe your own tips, please leave them below.

Image Credit: The Telegraph


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