Has Your Teen Figured Out Their Study Formula Yet?

learning-strategyToday I’m asking you this question, because if the answer is ‘no’, then it’s no wonder your teen is getting the grades they’re truly capable of.If you don’t what I mean by Study Formula you can find out all the gory details here and here.But the abridged version is simply this: Your teen’s Study Formula is the tried and proven process they go through every time they have to study for a test or exam.Their Study Formula should be made up of all the study methods and techniques they employ when they study.

Is your teen struggling to study effectively?

Two common sources of worry for parents is that their teen can’t concentrate for very long, and that their teen does study but doesn’t get the results they should from it.Does this sound familiar?Of course there are many factors that may be contributing to why your teen isn’t getting the grades they’re capable of, but if they’re having the problems I’ve described above, then I’d bet good money it’s because they haven’t quite figured out their Study Formula.Let’s say your teen is quite a visual learner. Well if they’re trying to study by reading a text book or course book from front to back, it’s no wonder they’re dying of boredom and finding it difficult to retain information.What they need to do, is incorporate some visual learner study techniques into their Study Formula.If your teen engages in a study technique that is better suited to the way that THEY learn, this can only help improve their concentration and information retention.I certainly benefit from visual learning techniques, so whenever there’s an opportunity to learn something by way of a diagram or flow chart, I make the most of it.

Is your teen mixing it up?

Another reason your teen might be struggling is because they have no variation in their Study Formula.I would go bonkers if all I did to study for exams was read and make study notes.Doing these things is a crucial part of my Study Formula, but if that’s all I did, my motivation to study would sink because it would be such a monotonous process.It’s really important to try and incorporate different things into your Study Formula. Your teen could incorporate writing study notes, reading, watching educational videos, drawing out flow charts, and having a go at some past exams.Spending time on different types of activities will give your teen a much more well-rounded understanding of their subjects, and should improve their concentration and information retention.What I’ve described is really just the tip of the iceberg of how refining their Study Formula can benefit your teen and massively improve their grades.
 P.S. Our digital study guides discuss the various things your teen should be doing to get Straight A’s this year!

Image Credit: English106 on Flickr


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