Is your teen ready to learn how to study effectively?

Let’s get started.

Why isn’t your teen getting the results they’re capable of?

The sad fact is, most teens aren’t taught how to study at school.

This is completely unsatisfactory.

Studying is a learnt skill that every teen deserves to have.

Cram Lab is dedicated to helping teens learn HOW to study effectively, so they can get the results they’re actually capable of.

Does your teen know what study techniques to use?

Help your teen get their study on the right track with my free Learning Styles Quiz to find out what study techniques are more likely to work for them.

Looking to help your teen learn HOW to study effectively once and for all?

The Exam Study Survival Kit

An online course that teaches teens exactly how to study and prepare for exams.

1:1 Tutoring

Free chat | One-off Sessions|Ongoing Help

How I can help your teen

With 3 years of high school exams, 7 years of uni and 10+ years of teaching teenagers how to study behind me, I’m here to help your teen with whatever it is that’s holding them back.

What people have said about my study help

“The quality of the advice you send out is outstanding. I make regular use of it with our Year 10 and 11 students. Thanks again.”

— Teacher, NZ

“This is our fourth child and I wish I had these insights and help years ago!”

— Parent

“Cram Lab is giving me and my 8th grade daughter some insight into the world of exams.”

— Parent

“Cram Lab has helped me with my study techniques and allowed my stress levels to stay low.”

— Student

“I love how practical your pointers are – and that it backs up what I say to my daughter.”

— Parent

“I’m a grandparent helping to review my grandson’s work. It’s been a long time since I have studied so this has been very helpful.”

— Grandparent

“Your tips have definitely paid off! I found out today I passed NCEA Level 1 with merit! I’m really happy! Thanks for all your helpful emails/pointers throughout. I’m gonna apply them to Level 2 next year and try for an excellence!”

— Student

Does it matter where you live?

Not at all. Regardless of your teen’s curriculum, I’m here to help them study better, not solve their algebraic equations for them.

Cram Lab helps students from New Zealand Aotearoa to Australia, the UK, the US of A, Canada, Indonesia, South Africa and anywhere in between.